

在冰球突破,冰球突破优秀的医生团队,临床肿瘤药剂师,护士, physical and 职业治疗师, 社会工作者, 营养学家, and wound care experts work together to provide you and your family with today's best patient-focused care.

提供者的范围之广反映了癌症对个人健康和福祉的各种影响, as well as those of their family and loved ones. Our collaboration ensures that all your needs — medical, 情感, 以及心理社会方面的问题,冰球突破会根据您的需要制定个性化的癌症治疗计划.


冰球突破的董事会认证肿瘤医生团队与您的初级保健提供者密切合作. 另外, based on the type of cancer being treated, a team of sub-specialty physicians involved in pathology; radiology; general, 塑料, or orthopedic surgery; urology; otolaryngology; and gynecology 支持s your 治疗 and care as well.

冰球突破还与从波士顿到波特兰的三级医疗中心建立了关系. Our clinical affiliation with Mass General Brigham brings added expertise and connections — working with the Massachusetts General 癌症 Center to offer our patients specialized 服务 like gynecologic oncology, 基因检测, 还有胸外科手术. 冰球突破有共同的目标,确保冰球突破的病人有最好的机会得到最好的结果. We put patients and families front and center — always.

治疗 & 服务

We provide the same cutting-edge 治疗s and protocols you’d receive anywhere else — including larger academic institutions and tertiary care centers. 在这里, 冰球突破可以为您提供个性化的关注和护理,并让您的治疗方案迅速启动, 你的家人在你身边.


癌症 care 服务 at 纽约医院

Medical oncologists/hematologists are physicians who specialize in the care and 治疗 of cancer and blood disorders. 医学肿瘤学是使用静脉和口服药物治疗癌症的一门学科. It also includes careful attention to related medical problems, as well as management of symptoms and side effects. Our medical oncology program encompasses several leading-edge therapies, including chemotherapy and targeted therapies.

化疗 治疗 uses anti-cancer drugs either administered intravenously or in pill form to destroy cancer cells. Our goal is to return you to your highest level of health by treating you with chemotherapy focused on the location and type of your cancer.

Your body’s natural defenses can fight your cancer. 免疫疗法被认为是对抗癌症的现代突破. Our cancer center is affiliated with Mass General Brigham, a leader in 免疫疗法 research pioneering the use of cancer 免疫疗法 as a growing form of 治疗. 这些疗法使用药物来针对触发癌症生长的特定基因突变. This personalized approach hones in on the ge网ics of each patient’s individual cancer cells to create a 治疗 plan that is unique to you.

冰球突破是肿瘤学和血液学临床研究的中心. 医院认为病人应该在离家更近的地方进行临床试验.


You may have an increased risk of developing cancer or a particular medical syndrome based on your personal or family history. A certified ge网ic counselor will help you better understand your specific technical and ge网ic information and how it is relevant to you and your family.


  • 癌症 was diagnosed at an age earlier than usual.
  • Multiple biological relatives have been diagnosed with cancer.
  • Someone has been diagnosed with more than one primary cancer.
  • Family members have developed a rare or unusual cancer.
  • Individuals have been diagnosed with bilateral cancer of paired organs.

基因评估可以提供个性化的信息,并为正在进行的治疗提供参考, 监控, and follow-up for hereditary cancers including:

  • 乳房
  • Ovarian, uterine, and fallopian tube
  • Colon, rectal, pancreatic, and gastric
  • 肾脏
  • 甲状腺,垂体和肾上腺
  • 黑素瘤


  • 在这里ditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome (BRCA1/2)
  • 在这里ditary colon cancer syndrome (HNPCC/Lynch, FAP/Gardner’s, MYH)
  • 在这里ditary renal cell cancer/Von-Hippel-Lindau Disease (VHL)
  • 遗传性黑素瘤
  • Li-Fraumeni综合征(LFS)
  • 考登综合征(CS)
  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)

Get the best information to move forward with your health decisions. The Ge网ics Clinic is held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 纽约医院 癌症 护理 in Kittery, 75 U.S. 缅因州基特里1号公路旁路.  了解更多信息 about ge网ic counseling, please call (207) 351-3777.

冰球突破知道应对癌症诊断是一项挑战,冰球突破在这里提供帮助. 冰球突破的目标是尽冰球突破所能支持你、你的家人和照顾你的人. 这就是为什么冰球突破提供一系列的支持小组、服务和综合疗法.

冰球突破的肿瘤社会工作者在这里为您和您的家人在癌症的各个阶段提供咨询. 冰球突破将从一开始就与您一起帮助您应对癌症诊断, 减轻压力, and access information to understand your diagnosis and 治疗. We’re here to assist you in considering decisions about 治疗方案 and make referrals to 支持 groups, 创意艺术节目, 健康项目. 冰球突破还可以帮助您制定预先指示和预先护理计划.

了解更多信息, please contact Susan Kelly Westman, LMSW, at (207) 351-3721.

While being treated for your cancer at 纽约医院 肿瘤学, take advantage of our many opportunities to focus on you.

Enjoy six free massages from our Wellness Center. Or try the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture, which is believed to help restore the body’s balance of energy. Six free acupuncture sessions are available to our patients to alleviate pain caused by cancer and side effects of 治疗, 包括恶心, 乏力, 口干.

也, while being treated in our clinics try the gentle work of Reiki, 如果你感到压力和焦虑,哪一种可以让你得到深度放松,平静下来. 你可能还会发现它对疼痛管理、睡眠问题和整体舒适度有帮助.

了解更多信息, please contact Susan Kelly Westman, LMSW, at (207) 351-3721.


Consult with our registered dietitian to optimize your nutrition before, 在, 在癌症治疗之后.

We can help with preparing for your 治疗, managing nutrition-related 治疗 side effects, 定制营养计划. 欲了解更多信息,请致电 (207) 351-3721.

锻炼可以帮助你从治疗和康复过渡到回到你的生活. 利用冰球突破的16个免费的癌症健康生活运动课程以及哈他瑜伽课程, 北欧行走, 和森林疗法散步.

了解更多信息, 请咨询您在约克肿瘤医院的治疗团队或联系Ellen Yost eyost@vikingdistrict.com.

冰球突破的专业 癌症康复 物理治疗师团队, 职业治疗师, and speech-language pathologists work together with your health care team to create a customized rehabilitation plan for you.

Our program is focused on improving the 治疗 side effects, 帮助你在治疗期间尽可能保持强壮和独立, and helping you regain the strength, 函数, and independence to do the daily activities most important to you.

Art classes are available to 纽约医院 肿瘤学 patients that use the creative process as a springboard for their own personal, 精神上的, 愈合性生长. The classes offered are many, varied, and free of charge. They include a silk scarf painting workshop; Memories, Moments & Meaning writer’s workshop; affirmation art classes; a Zentangle meditative drawing workshop; music therapy workshops; a dot mandala painting class; and our Meditative Watercolors program.

One-on-one art instruction is also available through our artist in residence while patients are in-clinic for 治疗.  Some of the projects available are painting, drawing, and origami.

了解更多信息, please contact Susan Kelly Westman, LMSW, at (207) 351-3721.

纽约医院 is committed to providing quality health care regardless of one’s ability to pay and is pleased to offer several programs to help patients manage their medical bill.



癌症 is a group of diseases characterized by excessive growth of cells. 有超过200种不同类型的癌症,在每一种类型中都有一些亚型. Within a given type of cancer the risk factors, 临床症状, 治疗方案, and expected course can vary substantially, 这意味着癌症类型本身并不能说明癌症是如何发展的. The fundamental element that cancers share is that they originate when a cell begins to make too many copies of itself, 导致细胞过度生长. It’s the excessive cell growth which gives rise to most of the symptoms that a cancer patient experiences and is the focus of most of the 治疗s used today.

癌症是由开始过度生长的细胞的起源部位来定义的. 这可能发生在身体的任何器官,包括血液和淋巴系统. 癌症类型是用来定义疾病的许多类别中的第一个, 因此,仅仅知道癌症类型并不能提供额外的信息. 癌症 type does not change as the regions of the body involved change, 因此,已经扩散到骨骼的肺癌被称为“骨转移肺癌”,而不是骨癌.

癌症 may be detected when symptoms or abnormalities, 如肿块或生长物, are recognized by a patient or provider. Diagnostic imaging is often then used for visualization of abnormal masses using high-tech machines that create images, 比如x射线, 计算机断层扫描, 正电子发射测试(PET), 核磁共振成像, PET/CT联合.

Detection or assumption of cancer is not the same as diagnosis. A cancer diagnosis begins with the confirmation of abnormal cell growth and typically requires analysis of cells under a microscope or other instrument which analyzes cells. 选择用于癌症诊断的组织来源将取决于所怀疑的癌症类型, as well as the site of the body suspected of harboring cancer.

一种被设计用来确认疑似癌症的程序被称为活组织检查. Many biopsies are performed by surgeons, 而其他的则由经过专门训练的放射科医生进行医学成像, 比如CT扫描或核磁共振成像, 指导活检. The material obtained from a biopsy is sent to a physician specially trained to identify diseases in the laboratory, 被称为病理学家. A pathologist uses their knowledge of the normal appearance of cells to determine the site of origin of a cancer as well as additional information which may be obtained.

Once a pathologist confirms the cancer type, the next step is generally to determine the extent of cancer in the body, an important process referred to as cancer “staging.“在癌症分期期间,会收集额外的信息,如医学成像和进一步的检测, which may entail additional biopsies and procedures. 一些患者发现癌症分期的过程比他们预期的要慢, especially in light of the anxiety surrounding a new cancer diagnosis. 癌症 staging must be performed meticulously, 然而, 因为它是整个治疗计划中最重要的决定因素之一.

Staging is performed in a number of different ways, 针对特定病人的治疗方法不仅取决于癌症的类型, but also the level of suspicion of additional body sites of involvement. 分期方法可以从简单的身体检查到专门的程序, some of which require medical imaging. 有既定的国家指南来确保癌症分期的一致性和准确性, so that each cancer type has its own “rules” to guide staging. 这些指导方针是由领先的癌症组织制定的,比如 American Joint Commission on 癌症 (AJCC)National Comprehensive 癌症 Network (NCCN). The 供应商 on your cancer team at 纽约医院 will work together to ensure that your cancer is properly staged, in order to determine the most appropriate 治疗 plan.

癌症 care is a rapidly evolving field of medicine. 冰球突破的肿瘤医学项目包括几种前沿疗法,包括:

  • 化疗: 化疗 治疗 uses anti-cancer drugs either administered intravenously or in a pill form to destroy cancer cells.
  • 靶向治疗: 靶向治疗 is the leading edge of cancer 治疗s 和 focus of extensive and continuing cancer research.

These 治疗s are specifically designed to precisely identify and attack cancer cells while sparing damage to normal cells. 靶向治疗包括 免疫疗法 which uses your body’s natural defenses to fight your cancer. 这种疗法使用药物来针对引发癌症生长的特定基因突变. This personalized approach hones in on the ge网ics of each individual’s cancer cells to create a 治疗 plan that is unique to you. 生物治疗 is chosen for the 治疗 of many types of cancer. 它利用你身体的免疫系统杀死癌细胞,以防止或减缓肿瘤的生长, thereby preventing the cancer’s spread.


If you need help coping with diagnosis, 治疗, 从癌症中恢复, consider joining the 纽约医院 Living Well With 癌症 Support Group. They meet the second Monday of the month from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. 通过放大. 欲了解更多信息,请致电 (207) 351-3721.


教育 & 冰球突破

以下链接包含有关诊断的网络信息和教育的其他来源, 治疗方案, 药物, 和支持.


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肿瘤学 & 冰球突破输液疗法

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冰球突破, we believe patients should have access to clinical trials close to home, so we offer both oncology and 血液学. Our hope is to improve the lives of cancer patients by enrolling them in clinical trials that would help to solve important, 具有挑战性的, and neglected problems in cancer research and patient care.


治疗 & 服务

隔壁的切削处理. 纽约医院 provides the same 治疗s and protocols you would receive anywhere else–including larger academic institutions and tertiary care centers. 在这里, we are able to give you personalized attention and care and get your 治疗 programs started quickly–你的家人在你身边.


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