在冰球突破,冰球突破优秀的医生团队,临床肿瘤药剂师,护士, physical and 职业治疗师, 社会工作者, 营养学家, and wound care experts work together to provide you and your family with today's best patient-focused care.
提供者的范围之广反映了癌症对个人健康和福祉的各种影响, as well as those of their family and loved ones. Our collaboration ensures that all your needs — medical, 情感, 以及心理社会方面的问题,冰球突破会根据您的需要制定个性化的癌症治疗计划.
冰球突破的董事会认证肿瘤医生团队与您的初级保健提供者密切合作. 另外, based on the type of cancer being treated, a team of sub-specialty physicians involved in pathology; radiology; general, 塑料, or orthopedic surgery; urology; otolaryngology; and gynecology 支持s your 治疗 and care as well.
冰球突破还与从波士顿到波特兰的三级医疗中心建立了关系. Our clinical affiliation with Mass General Brigham brings added expertise and connections — working with the Massachusetts General 癌症 Center to offer our patients specialized 服务 like gynecologic oncology, 基因检测, 还有胸外科手术. 冰球突破有共同的目标,确保冰球突破的病人有最好的机会得到最好的结果. We put patients and families front and center — always.
治疗 & 服务
We provide the same cutting-edge 治疗s and protocols you’d receive anywhere else — including larger academic institutions and tertiary care centers. 在这里, 冰球突破可以为您提供个性化的关注和护理,并让您的治疗方案迅速启动, 你的家人在你身边.